976 7266-4413 info@nomadiceventtours.com

Who we are ?

Nomadic Event Tours engages in tourism that is aligned with environmental preservation and engages local communities and families.
Our tours encourage and engage the inhabitants of the lands they visit to continue this preservation. People already sensitive to this cause, such as nation park rangers for example, are also active in our practices.
We believe that conscious tourism can in fact bring more positive outcomes to a place and community by bringing together local populations and the international community.
Staying with nomadic families enable them to obtain additional income enabling outcomes such as the purchase of firewood. This in turn discourages Mongols from their previous practice of cutting ‘wild’ firewood in an unregulated manner thereby damaging local areas and neglecting proactive activities such as replanting.
Through enjoying traditional Mongolian food with your hosts you reduce the accumulation of packaged foods and non-organic wastes that are difficult to get rid of on the steppe.
During your visits to families, you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and share your knowledge. Often our conceptions of nature and ecology are distinct and it is enriching to be able to share each other’s perspectives because they are so often complementary.
Our Mongolian tradition of protecting nature has for centuries marked our culture. Unfortunately it tends today to be lost, to lie dormant but not forgotten. That is why it is crucial to establish a dialogue between cultures and generations.
A percentage of the price you pay for your trip is donated to a partner association to financially offset the footprint left by the trip.
Currently we work with 8 communities consisting of 70 families in Arhangai, Huvsgul, Bulgan, Selenge, Valley of Orhon, East Gobi, South Gobi, Terelj and Hustai Park reserve.
Eco Voyage has carried out this form of tourism since it was founded in 2011.