Horse head fiddle-main representative of nomadic culture-is one of the national musical instrument: it is highly valued by in musical branch. We have inherited numerous records, notes, studies and research regarding horse head fiddle. Above everything scholars have studied the origin of this instrument and analyzed the legend of this fiddle. For example: Legend of...Read More
The talking magpie ( a long-tailed crow with boldly marked plumage and a raucous voice ) is one of the largest and best-known large corvid species in Europe and much of Asia, particularly in Mongolia. The magpies can easily be identified thanks to their morphology and their black and white plumage. It has a black...Read More
The Nine-Nine in Mongolia Traveling to Mongolia for the winter is difficult, but it is a once in life time opportunity to challenge yourself in exciting adventures, experiencing the unique harsh climatic conditions of the nomads who endure harsh winter. It may seem over too much but it is vey interesting to discover the Mongolian...Read More
We are happy to inform you, the future travelers will have the portability of horseback riding as two million people mutually in 2020, Mongolia. Indeed, out of four million two hundred thousand horses of Mongolia, two million horses are listed for use of ride. In the beginning of every December, right after the Mongolians prepare...Read More